First, a disclaimer...
I am not a complete klutz. I know how to walk and even run pretty well. I generally stay on two feet and don't often injure myself. And I turn beet red when I am embarrassed.
Okay, on to the story...
NOTE: I really wish I had a picture (or better yet, a video) to accompany this post, but you'll have to just try to visualize this the nest you can without visual aids.
So, tonight was game night at Amanda's house. A bunch of girls from church and a few from other places (lol) get together to play board games and card games on Friday nights. Tonight was lots of fun - we played UNO MadDog...and I lost. But I always lose, so that is not the best part of the story.
Well, since I had brought the kids along with me, I couldn't stay too late. Around 11pm we said our goodbyes and headed out to the car. Jonathan asked if he could drive home, and I figured that if I got to the car first I would be the driver. So I started running to the car to beat him there.
Amanda's front yard has a pretty decent hill that angles toward the street and ends with a small ditch right by the road. Well, as I ran down the hill, I somehow tripped over my own feet and fell to my knees in the wet, muddy grass. But that is not the end of our sad tale. As soon as my knees hit the ground, I started to fall forward. My keys and the box of Oreo balls flew out of my hands and slid into the middle of the street. I tried to brace myself with my hands and ended up bouncing along the grass on my stomach like a pebble skips across the lake. I slid to a stop on the pavement behind my car.
My first reaction was shock and pain. I started to cry. By the time Jonathan reached me and asked if I was okay, I had moved on to laughing. I couldn't help myself. I must have looked so ridiculous falling and bouncing like that. I couldn't stop laughing - even as I headed back into Amanda's house to wash the blood and gravel off my hands.
Everyone got a good laugh at me, and that's okay since I was laughing the hardest of everyone anyway. After I got cleaned up and Amanda put a band aid on my hand, we left..again. This time I was careful to walk slowly and Amanda even supervised my trip to the car. A very embarrassing situation, but such a great story!