Answers to prayers

Wouldn't it be nice if you could pray for exactly what you need or want and Heavenly Father would answer your prayers?

Exactly the way you want him to...

Well, that just isn't how it works.
I've really had to adjust my thinking lately. I am trying to notice and appreciate the ways in which Heavenly Father answers my prayers. And lately that has been through the people around me.

I have had friends and family offer me a place to stay. I have had friends offer me employment. I have had friends give me helpful advice on ways to access affordable healthcare. I have had people invite our family to dinner. I have had people give me job leads. I have had people suggest housing options. I have had family and friends offer us furniture. I have had people call to check up on us. I have had people give us free services and items when we really needed the help.

And so even though Heavenly Father may not be answering my prayers in the exact way that I would have hoped, he is not leaving me alone. He is helping me through the people around me and the opportunities that I am presented with. And I am grateful.

Another Teenager

I am officially a mother of two teenagers. I can hardly believe it. Sammy turned 13 today!
It was a pretty low key birthday - just some cake and ice cream and one friend (Mina).
The cake was a butterfly. Cute and simple. And I don't think I have ever made a butterfly cake before, so that was nice to do something different.
For her birthday Sammy got a new digital camera, a gift card to Borders and one to Walmart, some books and some socks, a stuffed dog, and a handmade wooden sword. She is pretty excited to go shopping now.

Growing Up

Guess what Jonathan did for the first time today...
He shaved!
I know, I know. It was only a little peach fuzz on his upper lip, but it was still an exciting day for him. For the rest of the day he kept touching his upper lip and saying how different it felt. My little boy is growing up!

Location, location, location...

It's all about location for us as we settle into living at Tracey's house. It didn't take long for each of us to claim our spots in the living room.
Sammy loves sitting in the leather recliner and kicks a fit if anyone else dares encroach on her territory.
Jonathan enjoys spreading out on the couch - whether he is reading, watching TV, playing on his laptop, or doing homework.
As for me, I have made the over sized chair and ottoman my cozy corner - although I don't mind sharing with Felix (the cat) because she keeps my toes warm.

Snow Day

We had a mini blizzard last night. Nothing to write home about, but enough to cause the local schools to be canceled. The kids were thrilled to have the day off school and were ready to go outside and play at - wait for it - 8am. Okay, then...

Costa and I were not about to go out in the cold weather that early, so we convinced them to wait until afternoon when we hoped that it was a bit warmer. Well, it never really got warmer, but we did get bundled up in lots of layers and went outside to play.

I am not really a big sledding fan - you know, sliding down a steep hill hoping not to crash and break any, not my idea of a fun time. BUT the kids absolutely had a blast. And for me, that was what made the day fun. Watching them have such a good time.

Who loves ya, baby?

Over the holidays Sammy spent most of her time playing with her new best friend, Maggie.
They were mostly inseparable. In fact, one night at 3:00 am I woke up to hear Sammy playing in the living room with Maggie. I sent her (Sammy) back to bed immediately. About 30 minutes later I found her still in her bed - but with Maggie. I tried to get Sammy back to sleep for the next couple hours - even stooping to threatening to "ground her from the dog" if she didn't get back into bed. Finally she fell asleep at about 6:00 am. Unfortunately I was awake for good.

I'm back...

It has been a long time since I have posted.
Life has been crazy and eventful and downright hard.
But it is a new year.
And I am making a fresh start.
(with a fresh look too)