Employed at last

As many of you know, I have been actively searching for a teaching job for the past couple months. The biggest problem is that so may states are cutting their funding for public education. Translation: smaller budgets, lots of layoffs, no hiring.

When I came across a listing for elementary teachers in Tennessee, I was interested but unsure. I really wanted to stay in Indiana (where I already have a valid teaching license) and more specifically, Bloomington (where the kids and I have friends and a good support network). But when jobs are scarce, a person can't be picky. So I applied.

Over Spring Break I had a phone interview with the Clarksville-Montgomery County School System. Later in the week I got an email invitation to a job fair at the end of March. After a little persuasion, I decided to make the trip to Tennessee for the job fair. I wasn't sure if it would be worth the time and money, but I felt like I had to at least try...

I was offered a position as a fifth grade teacher at Minglewood Elementary School today!

When I sat down with the principal at the job fair, she began by telling me that she didn't plan to do any hiring that day. That is she liked me she would call me back for another interview. After about five minutes she was asking me for my references. After ten minutes she had me call the assistant principal for a phone interview. By the time I had finished talking to the assistant principal, the principal had filled out a form with all my information and a start date. She said all I had to do was sign it to say I understood.

I told her I wasn't sure that I did understand...
Was she offering me a teaching position at her school for the fall?
Would I be interested?
Well, of course!

So, we will be moving once again. To Clarksville, Tennessee.
I am torn. I am so thankful to have a job, but I am sad to be leaving Bloomington once again.
I suppose this is just another adventure. And luckily Tennessee isn't as far away as England...


Here's what we did today...
Sammy's favorite part was driving Stacy's four-wheeler!
But great picture, huh?
This is more like it...
Sammy absolutely loved riding on the back of the four-wheeler with Aunt Costa. They never really got out of second gear, but she had a blast anyway. She said her favorite part was going over the hills.
Jonathan and Andrew rode all over the field too. What a couple of goofballs!
Thanks to Aunt Costa and Stacy for letting us come out and ride around on their "toys" for the afternoon!

Visiting the Dabaies

On our way home from Virginia, we stopped in Ohio to visit April and her family. Mostly we just relaxed and enjoyed each other's company, but here are a few pictures of the other things we did while at their house.

Sammy and Kate drew all over the place with chalk. Kate's favorite thing to draw was Mickey Mouse. She even drew a Mickey Mouse on one of the outdoor pillows - oops!
It was so pretty out that we decided to take a walk to the park. Kate insisted on carrying her own soccer ball - just like Jonathan was doing.
Soccer at the park. Why is it that dogs and kids always stand right between the people who are trying to play? Funny.
It was so sweet - on the way home Kate wanted to hold Sammy's hand. Doesn't Sammy look so grown up compared to her little cousin?
Before we left, Sammy wanted to take a picture of Kate. Knowing that would be a challenge (ha ha) I quickly grabbed Kate and held on to her while we "cheesed" for the picture. I actually like how it turned out. (NOTE: This is the only photo from our entire trip that I am a part of...)
What I didn't get a picture of was Kate cuddling up to Jonathan on the couch. It was so cute. She just climbed right up and scooted closer and closer until she was scrunched up right next to him.

Constant Motion

From the moment we arrived at April's house, Kate was chattering. Basically, her entire conversation consisted of "Hi Sammy! Hi Jon! Hi Mary!" (She called me Mary half the time!?!) She followed Sammy and Jon around everywhere and just thought they were the greatest.

Taking a picture of Kate during our visit proved to be more challenging than I thought it would be. I guess I had forgotten what it was like to have a two-year-old. She was constantly moving, turning, playing, and talking.

The only time I was able to snap a shot of her without chasing her down was when she discovered this manhole cover on our walk home from the park. For some reason she thought it was so fun to stand on it. So I took advantage of her "stillness" and captured this shot. Could she be any cuter?

I do have to admit that as adorable as Kate is and as much fun as I had hanging out with her - she really exhausted me! Two-year-olds are so exhausting! Another thing I had forgotten about.

Maymont Park - Richmond, Virginia

A visit to Virginia just wouldn't be complete without seeing Uncle Paul.
After delivering a bunch of food to his apartment and going out to lunch, we headed to Maymont Park to wander around the gardens and see some of the animals that live there.

Here the kids are posing with Uncle Paul sitting on the "couch rock". Super cute!
Typical - Jonathan riding the bear statue while Sammy gives it a kiss on the nose.
Everyone got in on the fun when we saw this statue of kids walking on a log...
Peeking through the holes of a bridge. Notice the stuffed turtle above Sammy's head? It was lovingly placed there by none other than Uncle Paul.
It was a beautiful day for walking around outside, and it was so nice to visit with Paul.

Uncle Paul

Why is Uncle Paul one of the best uncles out there?
Because he is so much fun!
And why do the kids think he is so much fun?
Because he acts like a great big kid!

Today while we were wandering around Maymont Park in Richmond, Paul decided it would be the perfect opportunity for Sammy to photograph her stuffed turtle "in it's natural environment"...
Every time we turned around, Paul was climbing around on rocks and into creeks to place Daisy (the turtle) in the perfect location for a photo. He even took some "candid" shots while Sammy was taking a bathroom break - she had asked Uncle Paul to watch her turtle and her camera for her - uh oh.

Grandpa's Favorite Holiday

For as long as I can remember, March 17th has been a day of surprises.
Green surprises.

St. Patrick's Day is Grandpa's favorite holiday. He takes pride in the many food items that he can, will, and has turned green over the years.

Today's highlights...
Green pancakes
Green milk (yes, the whole gallon)
Green butter (who knew this was possible?)
Green bread (home made, of course)
Green egg salad
Green cake
Oh, and green poop (as Sammy informed us later in the day -good to know)
I told the kids that the worst memory I have from St. Patrick's Day is the year that Grandpa turned the creamed corn green. Just imagine what that looked like. YUCK-O!

Typical Tourists

Today we drove to Washington DC to tour the many national monuments. Even though we had done this before, this time the kids were older and could appreciate their meaning a bit more.

The plan was to head downtown early and get tickets to go up in the Washington Monument. Well, we weren't early enough. By the time we arrived, there was a sign posted saying that no more tickets were available. Bummer. So we had to settle for a few pictures outside instead.
At the Lincoln Monument with the Washington Monument in the background."The Wall" at the Vietnam War Memorial. This wall has the names of all the soldiers who gave their lives for our country during the Vietnam War. 58,195 names. Incredible. And very sad.
One of the newest national monuments (for me, anyway) was the World War II Memorial.
I especially love this picture of Jonathan at the World War II Memorial with the Lincoln Monument in the background.
The Korean War Memorial.
One of my favorite monuments was the FDR Memorial. It was interesting to walk through the four outdoor "rooms" that represented his four terms as president. Of course, the kids had to stand in the breadline for a picture.
We sure did a lot of walking today. Thank goodness it was such a beautiful day today. After seeing the monuments, we took a lunch break and ate our picnic in the back of Dad's truck. Next, we went to Arlington Cemetery and saw the changing of the guard at the tomb of the unknown soldier. I still can't believe that they have someone posted there 24 hours a day, 365 days a year!
After this, Sammy had to go to the bathroom, so she and Christy headed to the visitor's center while Dad, Jonathan and I walked over to see the Kennedy gravesites. When we were done, we called Christy to see where she and Sammy were. She said they were waiting for us at the truck. Sure enough, when we got to the parking garage, they were sitting in the back of the truck eating snacks and having what looked like a fun little party together. No wonder Christy was so willing to take Sammy to the bathroom! (Just kidding.)

Sounds of South

Congratulations to Jonathan!
He was selected to be a part of Sounds of South, the advanced choir program at Bloomington High School South. In order to be considered, Jonathan had to audition for the choir director. He had to sing a solo, sight-read a rhythm, and sight-read a melody. Oh, and agree to cut his hair. Apparently his style is a little too long for a Sounds of South participant. So we will be working on a new, shorter style in the upcoming months.