So, Monday nights are "cheap nights" at Pinnacle Bowling Lanes. It only costs $2 a person and shoe rental is free. And since we have five kids between the tow of us, Mike and I decided to meet on Mondays for a night of bowling with everyone.
Jonathan gets a bit frustrated because he tends to get a pretty low score each time we bowl. But he keeps at it and really is starting to improve.

Sammy uses the gutter guards so that she has a better chance of hitting some pins. She and Chance take turns bowling and actually do pretty well. Sammy actually kneels down on the ground and shoves her ball down the lane. It makes me laugh, but it works for her.

Mike always amazes me because he bowls using only his two fingers. He doesn't use the thumb hole. And his ball spins and almost falls into the gutter but at the last minute will curve and hit all the pins down!

My high score is usually somewhere in the low 80's, but I am working on throwing the ball straighter and have been doing better. Mostly, we just enjoy hanging out together and having fun!

Another one bites the dust...

Happy Valentine's Day to everyone who is celebrating today...

I'm trying to think positively about this holiday.

Valentine's Day (in the past) has been kind of crummy, but today ended up being pretty good. I had a party at school, got some fun text messages from friends, surprised my kids with little goodies, and now I'm going to go work out for the first time in months.

Does working out tonight counteract the cookies I just gobbled down while I checked my email?

Snow (?) Days

I really don't think I can stand it much longer. We are on day 4 1/2 of snow days this week! That's right... I have taught for a grand total of five hours this week. I am in withdrawl. And worse yet, I have had to spend the week cooped up in my house with my two teenagers! Here is a picture of the snow outside our house.... About 4 inches. And here is a picture of the snow at Mom's house in Rockford, IL.And here is a picture of the snow at Heidi's house in Wisconsin - where they didn't cancel school until there was about 20 inches on the ground! Now, that's a snow storm worthy of a snow day. Yes, we are pansies here in Tennessee. But while I have the time "off" I'll try to enjoy it and not go completely stir crazy.

What to look for...

I love this quote:

Find a guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot
Who calls you back when you hang up on him
Who will lie under the stars and listen to your heartbeat
Or will stay awake just to watch you sleep.
Wait for the guy who kisses your forehead
Who wants to show you off to the world when you are in sweats
Who holds your hand in front of his friends
Who thinks you're just as pretty without makeup.
One who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares and how lucky he is to have you.
The one who turns to his friends and says, "That's her."

Yeah, I'm a romantic at heart...