And we are soooooo proud of her.

Last night, Sammy tested for her yellow belt in Tae Kwon Do. Sammy was so excited. We arrived a few minutes early, and she spent the time talking to Mina and practicing some of her kicks. Once the test started, she looked a bit nervous - it was her very first experience in front everyone. And the pace of the test was faster than she was used to. I have to admit that I was worried that she might be too afraid to go through with it, but she surprised us all by completing her test with only minimal support from Mina!

"Your triple punches were good."
"Very, very good outside crecent kick!"
"Good hand techniques."
It took Sammy about 15 second to actually start her form. Just a little bit of stage fright, I think. Along with her form (which included 20 movements), Sammy had to do triple punching, seven different kicks, and five different hand techniques. It was a lot to remember for her first test!
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