What happened to July?

I realized today that I hadn't posted in July at all. This does not mean that nothing happened in July. I assumed that I was just too busy to actually sit at the computer and blog about our many events...

Until I looked to see what I had taken pictures of and realized that I had NO JULY PICTURES!

How could that be?
After careful thought, I remembered that camp started for us at the very end of June and has pretty much consumed our lives since then. Sure we did other things, but we spent most of our time at camp and then came home too tired to do much else. It has been really fun, though.
Check out the pictures below to see some of the fun activities from camp.

Toothpick bridges.

Gathering wood to make fires.

Camouflaged to better hide in the woods.

A blindfolded fire making challenge.

Roasting marshmallows.

Making arrows for atlatls.

Canoe trip at Lake Griffy.

Inevitably, you are wondering where the pictures of Sammy are. Well, she was in the Trailblazer's camp group, so I don't have pictures from her days at camp. I do know, however, that she loved playing games in the woods (especially hide-and-go-seek tag) and swimming in the big pool with her friends (playing mermaids). She made a mess of herself during crafts and charmed her counselors.

Although we don't have pictures, we also spent time in July doing the following: celebrating my birthday, celebrating Mike's birthday, barbecues with friends, Jonathan attended boy scout camp, I went on a scrapbooking weekend with Tracey and Jen, and fireworks on the fourth. Definitely a full month!

A delicious activity

Sammy has been going to activity days at church for a while now, but has really started to enjoy them recently. Her leaders are so creative and come up with some really fun activities for the girls.

This month they decorated little cakes together. Sammy had a blast and was quite the ham when it came to pictures. Her cake wasn't half bad either!

Tribute to friendship

This just goes to show how great my friends are. Despite feeling pretty depressed most of the month, I made reservations for us to spend a weekend in Greenwood, Indiana at a Holiday Inn for a scrapbooking getaway. Mike never could understand why we would spend the money to just go an hour away from home - he kept saying it was a waste and we should go somewhere more exciting. But we could really appreciate it. Just imagine - no responsibilities for a whole weekend. Just a chance to spend time relaxing, scrapbooking, talking, eating, sleeping in, laughing, and escaping real life. It was wonderful. And best of all was spending it with Tracey and Jen. Thanks, girls, for a great weekend!

Thirty something

Well, it's happening. I'm getting progressively older each year. At one point, I really thought I could stop aging at 25. HA! That didn't work. What I have discovered, however, is that I can sort of forget how old I am until the big milestones hit. I remember turning 30. I remember turning 25. I remember 18 too. But I've started to forget how old I am in between. It's kind of nice - just being "thirty something" and not worrying so much about each year passing (until I hit 40).