(1) Jonathan and Sammy play nicely together
(2) I get to spend time scrapbooking
(3) a lesson goes well at school
(4) Mike helps around the house
(5) the scale reads less than the day before
(6) the sun shines and the weather is warm
(7) all of my fingernails are the same length
(8) my kids say "I love you" before going to sleep at night
(9) I get to take an afternoon nap
(10) I discover a new, tasty, and easy to prepare dinner recipe
(11) the kitchen is clean and the dishes are put away
(12) the lighting is perfect and the kids cooperate for a photo shoot
(13) I get to catch up on blogging
(14) I complete a project and can check it off my to-do list
Happy Valentine's Day!
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