Happy Mother's Day

I have had a headache since last Wednesday and a stomachache since yesterday. I woke up this morning and decided that I was too sick to make it to church. Jonathan went to church with the Andersons (thank you very much) and Sammy decided to stay home and "take care of" me. (translation: watch TV and play on the computer while mom slept)

After church, Jonathan informed me that he got to help pass out candy to all the mothers.
It figures...
Every other year it's flowers that I promptly kill (without meaning to) and the one year I miss church they decided to give out chocolate!

Sometimes life isn't fair.

Feeling sick.
Feeling grumpy.
Feeling sorry for myself.
But also feeling grateful for my two wonderful children who spent the afternoon entertaining themselves so that I could rest and try to feel better in time for school tomorrow.


Mad Queen said...

Happy Mother's Day dear friend! Just remember you have a LOT on your plate... and I know, BEEN THERE, DONE THAT. Don't be too hard on yourself, sick or not, your body is run down with "to do" lists and stressers. Too bad you missed the chocolate... they say chocolate has some kind of anti-depressant factor... maybe true, but then when you gain weight after eating it, you are really depressed....ha!