And I needed a good laugh today...
We woke up to yet another snow day - no school.
No school = no sub job = no pay check.
Determined to make today less boring than yesterday, I formulated a plan. We would go to the store and get ingredients for sugar cookies, invite friends over to decorate cookies with us and have chili and cornbread for dinner.
Well, our friends couldn't come over. I used up all the baking powder on cookies and couldn't make cornbread. I forgot to buy a red pepper for the chili. And some of the cookies broke.
Jonathan and Sammy still wanted to decorate cookies, so we did.
And I am glad we did because it was fun watching them create little masterpieces out of frosting and sprinkles.

I ended up mass producing about 30 cookies for the kids to take to their church activity that night. Not nearly as cute as the kids' cookies, but still yummy.
Yummy! You make the BEST COOKIES EVER! I was planning to make them this weekend for primary but ended up spending a long time making these new cupcakes for Activity girls... I was all baked out after that. You are making me crave these now... my one true weakness.
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