I had forgotten about three-year-olds.
I had forgotten about their unlimited energy.
I had forgotten that once you get them wound up it is nearly impossible to calm them back down.
Tonight I was playing with Kate. She was being so silly. We kept making faces and silly noises. Every time she popped down from the couch, I would shout "boink" and we would laugh and laugh. (Nothing like a three-year-old to make you feel like a regular comedian.)
Well, in an attempt to help April, I tried to get Kate ready for bed. She was so wiggly. I struggled to get her diapar changed. I know it was completely my fault for trying to be silly and serious at the same time. We cleaned her room, got her pajamas on, and read a book. Still no chance that she was going to settle down. I tried sitting on the floor of her bedroom and just waiting for her to get tired. HA! Not gonna happen. Finally, April came in and took over.

Kate is the most adorable ball of energy I have ever seen. But, boy, does she wear me out! The funniest thing was the next morning when April discovered that I had put Kate's diapar on backwards! I guess it's been a long time since I changed one.