Yep, it was messy.
Yep, it was fun.
Yep, it was the
second time that day I had created gingerbread houses.
Yep, it was way more exciting the second time around.

Sammy posed for an exceptionally silly picture with her partially decorated gingerbread house. She worked very hard to decorate it without knocking anything off. This house was a collaborative effort between Sammy and Mommy.

Jonathan had a plan. He and Daddy worked hard to get his gingerbread house to look the way he wanted it to. Very colorful.

Without a doubt, my favorite part of the gingerbread houses was watching Mike and Jonathan try to create an overhang with the graham crackers. Too bad the frosting was too soft to really hold it. That's OK. Jonathan settled for the next best thing...a torture chamber for teddy grahams. That's my boy. Ha ha.
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