
I am not an adventurous person.
I do not deal well with change.
I have lived in Bloomington for 21 years.
I have never left the USA except to visit Canada briefly as a child.
And now I am moving to England.

I am scared that I will get lost.
I am scared that I will get in an accident because I will have driven on the "right" side of the road instead of the "correct" side of the road.
I am scared that I won't make new friends.
I am scared that I will get bored not working.
I am scared that I will lose touch with my friends and family.
I am scared that we won't sell our house.
I am scared that we won't sell our cars.
I am scared that I won't be happy.
I am scared of the unknown.

I need to have faith.
I need to trust Heavenly Father to help our family.
I need to do my best to stay positive.

But I'm moving to England and I'm terrified.


Anonymous said...


I understand how scarey it might be to move to a different country. However, you are smart, independent, and strong. You will do just fine. What an adventure. Plus, the whole experience will do two other things for you: 1) help you understand how scary it may be for Jon to go on a mission to a different country where he will have limited contact with his family, and 2) it will prepare Jon (and maybe Sam) to go on his mission.
