Let me set the scene for you.
Me sitting in the corner of the living room working on the computer.
Jonathan and Sammy talking to their dad on Skype.
Jon's friend, Kiana, over visiting for the evening.
A big, black spider crawling on the wall.
Jon hates spiders.
Sammy is a big chicken who has never killed a bug in her life.
Kiana is a guest, so I can't very well ask her to kill it.
So I run to the kitchen and grab a bottle of ant and roach spray - spiders must be related to these somehow - planning to kill it by spraying it with poison. But the stupid, hairy little thing crawled onto the beautiful sign April made for me! I was not about to spray bug spray on the sign, so I started blowing (yes, like blowing out a birthday candle) at the spider hoping to scare it off of my sign.
Well, needless to say, that didn't really work. I tried bumping the sign and that helped. It crawled onto the wall where I was able to soak it with bug spray. It promptly fell onto the floor - onto Kiana's flip flops!
So I had to pick up one of Jonathan's flip flops and smack the crap out of it. (Okay, yeah, I was screaming bloody murder at the same time.) Keep in mind that this was the first time Kiana had been to our house AND Mike was listening to the whole episode on Skype. Can you say "embarrassing"?
Before Kiana came over tonight, Jonathan asked me not to show her how crazy I am.
Um...sorry Jon. Too late.
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