(Including the family picture I wanted to send but wasn't able to take and have developed in time to include with the letters I mailed out. Oh, did you notice it wasn't a photo after all? I guess I got tired of the poor lighting, lousy weather, blurry shots, and uncooperative children. So I asked Jonathan to design our family - "Stik Doodz" style! Pretty cute, huh?)

* Mike living in Menomonie, WI and working for 3M
* Kim & the kids living in Bloomington until the end of the school year
* Sammy turns 10
* Sammy taking martial arts at the YMCA again
* Mike quits 3M and returns to Bloomington to work for Boston Scientific
* We start looking for a new home in Bloomington
* Jon wins $50 for a poem he wrote
* Find the new house we want!!! (under construction)
* List our house with Remax
* Get an offer on our house
* Sammy gives an extraordinary presentation at school about dogs (power point, guest speaker, etc.)
* Kim’s long-term sub job ends
* Accept offer on our house and make an offer on the new house we want
* Jon tests for his brown/white belt in Tae Kwon Do
* Jon plays soccer for Cutters Academy
* Continued construction on our new house
* Jon & Sammy’s writing pieces are published in the 3rd annual Templeton Family Anthology book
* So many house decisions to be made – hardwood, tile, carpet, cabinets, countertops, sinks, lighting...
* Jon performs in the talent show at school
* School is out! “Family FUN Camp” begins!
* Mike takes a new position at Boston Scientific – Operations Manager for Urology – CONGRATULATIONS!
* New house is completed – time to move in!
* Old house sold – time to clean it out!
* Sammy starts summer school
* Kim turns 31 (yikes) & Mike turns 34 (double yikes)
* Harry Potter #5 MOVIE comes out in theaters
* Harry Potter #7 BOOK comes out – we actually waited at Borders until 1:15am to get a copy!
* Sammy gets glasses – they’re pink!
* Jon tests for his brown/black belt in Tae Kwon Do
* YMCA camp for one week
* Kim starts working at Olive Garden for extra $$$
* School starts– got a transfer to Templeton – YAY!
* Kim’s newest obsession – “blogging” - begins
* Family trip to Holiday World
* Lump on Kim’s thyroid – tests, tests, & more tests
* Jonathan turns 12! (Fear Factor LIVE party)
* Jon plays soccer for Cutters – Mike is the coach
* Sammy taking martial arts and swimming at YMCA
* Decide to find a new home for Katie (the dog)
* Jon & Sammy go to Bradford Woods Camp
* Kim starts long-term sub job teaching 6th grade
* Kim has surgery to remove part of her thyroid
* Sammy’s orthodontic crib taken out of her mouth
* April & Pete have a baby – Katherine Lois Dabaie
* Kim finally begins painting & decorating the house
* Jon tests for his red belt in Tae Kwon Do
So, that’s it. Our year in quick review (sort of).
No wonder I’m always so tired!
Stay tuned for more fabulously entertaining events during the upcoming year!
LOVE THE PHOTO by Jon. Tell him I want to commission him for an Ostlund family photo of STIK DUDES. Way cool. Ask him his rates for me. Great note... good idea to put it online as well as in the mail... that will FORCE our families to actually read them right? Ha ha ha.
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