Problem #1: I could not find the ice cream maker booklet that gave directions and recipes.
Solution to Problem #1: I called Jen and asked her to bring over the recipe book from her ice cream maker.
Problem #2: I forgot to premix the ingredients in the blender. Instead I dumped them straight into the frozen bowl.
Solution to Problem #2: I just poured the stuff out of the frozen bowl and into the blender (which led directly to Problem #3).
Problem #3: I had forgotten to check the blender to be sure the spout was in the closed position. It was not. The cream began pouring out all over the counter top and down the front of the cabinet and onto the floor.
Solution to Problem #3: I quickly closed the spout and used a cloth to clean up the mess everywhere.
Problem #4: While I was busy cleaning up my mess, the remaining ingredients in the frozen bowl began to freeze. So, after I mixed the ingredients in the blender, poured them back into the frozen bowl, and tried to put the mixing piece in, I realized that it wouldn't fit.
Solution to Problem #4: I determined that the reason the mixing paddle would not fit in the bowl was that I had inserted it upside down, so I removed it and put it in the other way.
Problem #5: It still wouldn't fit. And I didn't have my instruction manual to look at.
Solution to Problem #5: Jen suggested looking at the picture ion her ice cream maker manual for a clue at to how to assemble mine correctly. Hmmmm. Turns out I was right the first time. So, why didn't it fit?
Problem #6: Apparently the ingredients that had frozen on the bottom of the bowl were preventing the mixing paddle from sitting correctly in the bowl.
Solution to Problem #6: I used a spoon to scrape some of the frozen stuff out of the way.
Problem #7: When I placed the lid on top of the ice cream maker, the mixer would turn partway and then get stuck.
Solution to Problem #7: Leave the top off.
Problem #8: With the top off, the paddle would not turn to mix the ice cream.
Solution to Problem #8: I decided to just hold the mixing paddle by hand and try to mix the ingredients that way. So much for an automatic ice cream maker.
Problem #9: OK, can you actually picture me standing there mixing for an hour by hand? Me either.
Solution to Problem #9: I poured the ingredients out into a container and used hot water to clean out the frozen bowl.
Problem #10: Using hot water on something that is supposed to be frozen melts it. Gee, what a surprise. So the frozen bowl was no longer completely frozen and the ice cream would not harden correctly.
Solution to Problem #10: Give the kids Popsicles instead of ice cream. Put the ingredients in the freezer and hope it sets up before dinner.
So much for a quick and easy treat.
I'm just glad Jen is such a sweetie that she didn't get annoyed at me for messing everything up!
Way too funny.... what a disaster. That is TOTALLY something I would do... I can never make things simple... the idea starts simple and then it escalades from there. I am laughing outloud thinking of all of the steps you took to create the ice cream... and then ended up giving the kids popsicles anyways... so funny!
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