Wouldn't it be nice if you could pray for exactly what you need or want and Heavenly Father would answer your prayers?
Exactly the way you want him to...
Well, that just isn't how it works.
I've really had to adjust my thinking lately. I am trying to notice and appreciate the ways in which Heavenly Father answers my prayers. And lately that has been through the people around me.
I have had friends and family offer me a place to stay. I have had friends offer me employment. I have had friends give me helpful advice on ways to access affordable healthcare. I have had people invite our family to dinner. I have had people give me job leads. I have had people suggest housing options. I have had family and friends offer us furniture. I have had people call to check up on us. I have had people give us free services and items when we really needed the help.
And so even though Heavenly Father may not be answering my prayers in the exact way that I would have hoped, he is not leaving me alone. He is helping me through the people around me and the opportunities that I am presented with. And I am grateful.