Uncle Paul

Why is Uncle Paul one of the best uncles out there?
Because he is so much fun!
And why do the kids think he is so much fun?
Because he acts like a great big kid!

Today while we were wandering around Maymont Park in Richmond, Paul decided it would be the perfect opportunity for Sammy to photograph her stuffed turtle "in it's natural environment"...
Every time we turned around, Paul was climbing around on rocks and into creeks to place Daisy (the turtle) in the perfect location for a photo. He even took some "candid" shots while Sammy was taking a bathroom break - she had asked Uncle Paul to watch her turtle and her camera for her - uh oh.


april said...

I just love Paul's humor. He's such a nut!

Mad Queen said...

Okay, the turtle pictures are cracking me up. That is so fun that Paul would play with Sammy like this... you know she loved it. Super cute!

Anonymous said...

This was pretty hilarious! Daisy looks cute!