Sammy's Orange Belt Test

Today Sammy tested for her orange belt in tae-kwon-do. She has been spending Friday afternoons training with Mina Haddad ever since we returned from England.She has been so excited about her upcoming test. She did such a great job today. Take a look at some of the pictures of her in action... As part of her test, Sammy had to do two forms. These are combinations of hand techniques, stances, punches and kicks done in a specific order. Watch the video below to see her do the orange belt form.

I love this picture of Mina helping Sammy tie on her new orange belt. These two have really had a special relationship through the years. We are going to miss Mina so much!The newest orange belt (Sammy) with her friend and assistant (Mina) and her instructor (Mr. Scott). I cannot put into words how proud I am of Sammy. At one point during her test, Sammy made a mistake. When Mr. Scott corrected her, I could tell she was upset and that it kind of threw her off. I was worried that she was going to fall apart and not be able to complete her test. But even though she was nervous and a little flustered, she got refocused and did an excellent job.


Mad Queen said...

Way to go Sammy! She did a great job... I love watching her cute "Sammy smile" throughout her test on the video. What a cool accomplishment!

Anonymous said...

CONGRATS, Sammy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Love, Christy