Triple Twist Flippy Buns

I found a really neat blog one day. It is called Adopt A 'Do and has tons of fun hairstyles for girls. I have been experimenting with different hairstyles for Sammy and today I tried a new one. Take a look...
If you're interested in checking out the website, it is one of the sites listed on the right side of my blog. The lady who keeps the blog includes both written directions with pictures as well as video tutorials. I don't love everything she posts there, but every once in a while I come across a really fun idea.


april said...

This is TOTALLY awesome! I wish I could do Kate's hair like that... but I can't even do a french braid. She pretty much just sports pig-tails. :-)

Mad Queen said...

Wow, that is so cute! I am sure you did it even better than the original... you are truly the master at perfectionism :). Gorgeous. I need new ideas for Emma... her two french braids are getting OLD.

Anonymous said...

Sammy looks cute. However, not as cute as when I used to do your hair when you were kids. HA!! A disaster!! Love, Dad

Anonymous said...

Wow!! Way to go, Kim! You can do it all - sewing, baking, decorating, hairstyling...! Sammy looks so cute, too!