The big deal with turning 15 in Tennessee is that you are old enough to get your driver's permit. We had planned it all out. I would leave work a little early and rush home so that we could go to the license branch to get Jon's permit. BUT when I checked online to be sure I had all the necessary paperwork, I discovered that it was closed on Mondays. Of course! So Jonathan has to wait another day before the "big day".
Sammy and I got kind of silly when wrapping presents for Jonathan last night. We ended up wrapping "empty presents" as well as real ones with funny messages on them. It was nice to celebrate in a low-key, family way.

Despite this sad news, we had fun celebrating Jonathan's birthday. I made him a car shaped birthday cake. Since I didn't have 15 candles, I stuck several candles in the "tailpipes" and coming out of the "hood" so that it looked like a car that was on fire.

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