Any rational adult will be instantly reduced to a babbling lunatic when confronted with a cute little baby.
Think about it. There is just something about a baby that makes you do silly things, talk in a silly voice, make silly faces. In a way it's sort of a challenge to get a baby to smile or coo or laugh. I find myself doing it at church during meetings sometimes. I do it when I am around friends' babies. And my adorable niece, Kate, was no different!

Singing to her, playing peek-a-boo, babbling about nothing (but in an excellent baby voice), dancing around, tickling her and rocking her. Anything to get a reaction from her. It was so much fun. And what a reward it was when she DID smile at me. It was so great - like I had just won first place in some unspoken contest.
The real winner of the week, however, was Sammy.
She absolutely loved having Kate around. She was fascinated by her. She wanted to play with her, touch her, hold her, feed her, share toys with her, and just be near her all the time. It was very sweet to watch, but probably a little overwhelming for Kate (and April) at times. But on the last day of their visit, Sammy was entertaining Kate by tickling her and Kate started to laugh. And not just a little laugh, but the kind of laugh that made her tiny body shake. It was so cute to watch. Sammy would tickle her and she would laugh. Then Kate would watch and wait for Sammy to do it again. Incredible!
So, of course I took a little video footage of this interaction.
Check it out below.
“When the first baby laughed for the first time, the laugh broke into a thousand pieces and they all went skipping about, and that was the beginning of fairies”
~James Matthew Barrie~ That is one of my favorite quotes... and that totally describes your blog. Katie is a doll baby!
love love love.
Ahh, Katie-boo looks cute in this picture!!!! hehe!
I had a good time at your beautiful house! I miss you!!!!!
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