An adventure in cooking

For the first few days in England, Mike was sweet enough to take us out to eat for each of our meals. This was not only sweet, but necessary as we had not done any grocery shopping. This luxury could not last forever, however, since eating out in England is pretty pricey. So I went shopping. I actually felt like I had a personal shopper with me because Mike arranged for Cheryl Wilkinson to take me to several stores to help me find what I needed. I was pretty proud of myself because I was able to get what I needed for two meals for about 10 pounds!

Fast forward to tonight.
The plan was to make baked chicken and mashed potatoes and rolls.
Well, the rolls turned out great (purchased for the store). The rest was less wonderful.

I got out the chicken and went to preheat the oven. Okay, it's in Celsius. Now what?
Jonathan was great. He remembered the formula for converting Fahrenheit to Celsius. Okay.
There were no words on the oven, only pictures. And I couldn't for the life of me decipher what they meant. So I called Mike. He didn't know either. Fine then, I'll fry up the chicken instead.

Time to make the potatoes. The instant, easy to make potatoes. Except that the directions were in liters, not cups or ounces! I had no idea how to convert that. I was close to calling it quits when I discovered that one of the pans I was using has liter markings inside of it! I was saved!

What an adventure. One I prefer not to repeat.
Who knew trying to cook dinner here would be my downfall?


Mad Queen said...

Okay, I have the same dilema in Japan... cooking is very tricky. Sooooo I have now a marked pages in my "Favorites" for a celcius/farenheit conversion page AND another page for a centimeters/inches conversion... I visit these sites often.. MUCH easier than trying to calculate it out myself... oh, and I also have a cups/ounces page too... very helpful! Just google and tag as a favorite. Are we having fun yet?? Yeah, someone knows my pain.