Grandpa's Favorite Holiday

For as long as I can remember, March 17th has been a day of surprises.
Green surprises.

St. Patrick's Day is Grandpa's favorite holiday. He takes pride in the many food items that he can, will, and has turned green over the years.

Today's highlights...
Green pancakes
Green milk (yes, the whole gallon)
Green butter (who knew this was possible?)
Green bread (home made, of course)
Green egg salad
Green cake
Oh, and green poop (as Sammy informed us later in the day -good to know)
I told the kids that the worst memory I have from St. Patrick's Day is the year that Grandpa turned the creamed corn green. Just imagine what that looked like. YUCK-O!


Andrew Bunton said...


Mad Queen said...

Now I know where you get your FESTIVITY from! He is too fun :)