Sure enough, as I looked out the window I saw not one, not two, not even three...
...but TEN wild turkeys parading around our backyard!
They were huge!
Even from the second story window they looked huge!
Of course, I wanted to take a picture or these huge birds in our backyard, so we snuck (yes, Tracey, I believe it is a word) out onto our back deck and I snapped a few pictures with my camera.

It was still early in the morning, so the lighting was not the best.
But can you see the black shapes in the picture?
Those are the turkeys!
And, being the goofball that I tend to be, I asked Mike, "Did they come for Thanksgiving?"
To which he quickly replied, "Only if we shoot them!"
Oh, and in case you are wondering...
Turkeys do NOT say "gobble, gobble, gobble".
They make a weird noise that sounds like they are choking on something.
So much for everything we learned when we were young!
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