It's a tradition...

Every year, we carve pumpkins into jack-o-lanterns.
This tradition has evolved through the years.
Level 0
When the kids were young, I carved our pumpkins into jack-o-lanterns while they watched.
Level 1
They told me what they wanted their pumpkins to look like. I did the "work".
Level 2
They drew the faces and I dug out all the guts.
Level 3
They stuck their hands into the pumpkins, made a face for the camera, and then I dug all the guts out.
Level 4
Jonathan did a lot of the work on his pumpkin, but I had to help Sammy quite a bit.
Level 5 (this year)
I did the carving, but the kids had to gut the pumpkins themselves.

I was so impressed with how hard they worked to get their pumpkins cleaned out.
It was a messy job, but they loved it!


Anonymous said...

Okay, I love Samantha's pumpkin! Hearts for eyes???? Can you get any cuter/sweeter than THAT?????? :-)