And we're off

For those of you who don't know, Mike has been job hunting for the past couple months.

Last week he went to England to interview with a company called Reckitt Benckiser. I hate to give too many details about the company as I am not clear on everything myself. It is a consumer products company based in Europe. Mike interviewed for three days, meeting with various people in the company. We kept in touch though email as it was very expensive to call home.

Fast forward to today...
Mike received an official written offer to work for the company. What does this mean for our family? Well, we're moving to England! That's right, folks. Our family is taking off and heading to a foreign country.

In case this isn't strange enough...
It's all happening in the next couple months! Mike will start his new job sometime in April and the kids and I will follow him with all of our belongings in June. I know, you are wondering "how crazy is she?" The answer is "completely". I never in my life thought I would live outside the USA. But life happens and I have to learn to roll with it. This is a great opportunity for Mike and the kids and I are excited to be a part of it.

Wish us luck, and plan to visit us!
Such fun!


Mad Queen said...

Westward Ho! Go Kim... sounds like you are finally ready to leave Bloomington... and what a leap it is... just a jump across the pond..ha!

Anonymous said...

i think you have a very interesting life. your student chelsey mckinley