Wii Fit Parody

Our family bought the Nintendo Wii game system about a year ago. It was close to impossible to find one in the stores. After looking for several months, some friends of ours called us one night to announce that they had "picked one up" at Best Buy for us. How sweet of them to remember we were looking for one.

For anyone who is not familiar with the Wii or it's unique characteristics, what makes this game system different is that it uses wireless remotes and a sensor to transmit information to the game system console to make your game very interactive. For example, if you are playing a game of bowling, you actually have to hold the remote and act as though you are bowling. The sensor picks up any twists and turns and the speed at which you "throw the ball" and this determines how many pins you knock down on your turn.

There are tons of games for the Wii. We have about ten. There are also a ridiculous amount of accessories. One of the things you can purchase for the Wii is a "game" called Wii Fit. The idea behind it is that people can use their video game to get in shape. Sounds like a great idea, right? Well, take a look at the video below that the kids and I found one day on You Tube. It's hilarious!