His forms were precise. You could hear his uniform snapping as he performed each technique. Even Mr. Scott pointed out what a great job he was doing. Watch the video below of his final form, Neppujin Chodan.
At the completion of his test, Jonathan got a special plaque and a brand new black belt with his name embroidered on it in both English and Korean. He looked pretty great with it on.

After the test, we headed over to Pizza Hut with all of the family and friends to celebrate. I love how the cake turned out. It's Jonathan with a black belt!

We are so proud of his hard work and dedication. It took many years of training to get to this point, but he stuck with it! He's even started being an assistant instructor in some of the beginner classes at the YMCA.
he did it!!!!!!!! woo!!!!!!! i can't believe it!!! hahaha!!!
Yay for Jonathan!! What an accomplishment! He is such a neat kid. I love your blog Kim. Thanks for sending me the link so I can keep up with your family and your adventures. I keep calling my own move an "adventure" and it somehow makes it more of a fun and exciting thing rather than a scary thing.
You're in my prayers!
Kristin Lowe
......Jon's toes on his cake were yummy! :-)
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