A garden party

Hats were required for admission to the party...
It was Nicola's 50th birthday celebration and Jen decided to throw a fancy garden party in her honor. Having just moved here a month ago, I didn't have a hat, so Eszter took me shopping and this is the one I ended up buying. Isn't it so much fun?
Unfortunately, because of traffic I arrived late to the party, but it was still in full swing when I got there. There were several yummy salads for lunch and a delicious array of desserts for afterwards. I wish I had a picture of the tables. It was such a pretty setting for an afternoon with a bunch of ladies from church.
All in all, there were 19 women there and almost everyone had on a fancy hat. I felt a little silly - like I was playing dress-up as a little girl - but it was so much fun! And for once, the crazy weather cooperated in this country and we had a sunny afternoon filled with good food and great company.


Miss Jen said...

Love the hat! Looks like a really FUN party. Wish I could come... Miss you!!

Anonymous said...

Very cool hat! Very good picture picture of you! What a fun idea for a party!

Mad Queen said...

What a SUPER FUN idea!... doesn't this seem like a party we Americans would stereotype a party the British would have? Your hat is DARLING... super cute! I love that it has pretty blue feathers. Looks like you are doing well, getting out to new places and meeting new ladies. This is when I really appreciate the church... they help you get plugged in quickly and have people you have something in common with right away. Hooray Kim!

Anonymous said...

I'm SO glad you're having a good time. Looks like you have lots of friends. That's WONDERFUL! Boy, I would have LOVED to have worn my feather hat WITH you!
Miss you much!!!!!!!!