Once upon a time... There was a family who decided to take a trip to Holiday World to ride some roller coasters and play at the water park. When the family woke up in the morning, the weather forecast called for thunderstorms all day. The mother (being a perpetual pessimist - and subconsciously looking for a way out) felt the trip should be cancelled. Luckily for the children, their father was a very patient and easygoing man. He told the mother to get ready and quit being so negative. So the mother got ready and the family loaded themselves into their truck. The drive to Holiday World went quickly, and the family arrived in good spirits.

The son wanted
desperately to ride some of the big roller coasters, but the daughter was afraid. The mother and the son decided to ride The Legend (the 7th best roller coaster on the planet - although no one really knows who rates these things anyway). The picture below depicts the son after riding this coaster which travels at speeds close to 60 mph! (Note: The hairstyle is
NOT due entirely to the wind. Jonathan works hard each morning to create a unique style for himself!)

After the roller coaster, the family decided to ride The Frightful Falls (a log ride
guaranteed to get you wet) together. While waiting in line, the mother embarrassed the father by forcing him to pose for a picture while some of his coworkers were nearby. (What was she thinking?!? Notice the lovely, cheerful look on his face!)

As the family neared the front of the line, the children convinced their father to ride in the very front of the log (hee hee) so they could get extra wet, although they didn't tell him that. (Gee, I wonder where they got
that idea from? Perhaps their mother, who opted out of the ride at the last minute?)

After returning appropriately drenched and
very happy, the children insisted on riding a few more rides as a family before lunch. The father chose to sit out (to avoid any nasty accidents involving the contents of his stomach) on the following ride. Also known as The Scrambler during the mother's younger years, this was one of the family's favorites. The children
loved squishing together as the ride spun them around!

After lunch, the family had a blast riding the various GIANT water slides at the water park. One hour before the park was scheduled to close, the family decided to split up again so that the mother and son could ride another big roller coaster. Although they were scheduled to meet outside the glassblowing shop at 5:30 pm, the father and daughter got stuck in a long line for the bumper cars leaving the mother and son with nothing to do but amuse themselves by taking silly pictures.

Not to worry, the father had his chance to pose as well (albeit
not entirely by choice).

All in all, it was a successful day resulting in only a few minor meltdowns. The daughter summed it up the best when she said it was "TOTALLY AWESOME!"
And they all lived happily ever after...Until they stopped at Ruby Tuesday's in Jasper, Indiana for dinner on the way home and had the most
terrible service ever! (Maybe it's just that I am a waitress and it bugs me extra to have an incompetent server, but I was shaking I was so frustrated. And Mike ended up getting sick from eating his undercooked, nasty burger!)
Isn't Holiday World the best?! I really love that place. Glad you got to check it out too... totally worth going... and free drinks everywhere, the kids LOVED that part!
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