The difference this year?
The coaching!
After a lot of coaxing and cajoling on my part, Mike finally agreed to coach Jonathan's soccer team. He appears to be enjoying the experience. He is definitely doing a fabulous job. The players are learning important soccer skills while having fun at the same time.
It's been a great season so far. No rain to deal with. And a three win - zero loss record to be proud of.
Our team, officially named FC Dallas, prefers to be known as the Gators. They are easily identified not only by their bright yellow t-shirts, but by their enthusiastic celebrations following every successful goal scored against the opposing team. They run around clapping their hands in a "gator-mouth-like" motion yelling in complete abandon until they find a fellow player to high-five or "belly-bump". What is especially great about this group of kids is their sense of team spirit and inclusiveness. No one yells or says mean things - even when a "mistake" is made.
The team consists of eleven players. Eight boys and three girls. All nuts!

The picture above was taken the same night the professional photographer came to take pictures of all the teams. They cooperated (mostly) with the photographer and looked like a typical group of soccer players. For me, however, they showed their true selves. I love it!
Nice photo! It has "KIM" written all over it... I have seen enough of your artwork to really know. Very fun that Mike is coaching... Jonathan will always remember that.
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