
Well, here it is.
My very first attempt at a blog.

I have to admit that I've considered it before, but never had the nerve to share some of the insanity that goes on in my head with the outside world.

But - thanks to my equally crazy friend Tracey - I have been inspired to open up the contents of my mind to those brave enough to look. Mostly, I wanted a fun way to share pictures and news with family and friends while keeping a record of some of the "stuff" that happens in our everyday lives.

Between school and work and church and soccer games and tae-kwon-do practice and swim lessons and working out and making Halloween costumes and scrapbooking and meetings and errands and laundry and cooking and cleaning and car-pooling and birthday parties and phone calls and scrapbooking (Ooops! Did I say that twice?) and homework and the dog...

Do I really do all of this?

I wanted to take a moment (or several) to sit and think about what has been happening besides the everyday blahblahblahblah....

So, here goes nothing!


Mad Queen said...

Yeah, my obessed friend got attacked by my new obsession! I love your style of writing... you are always so fun to read...NUTS, but fun. Carry on!