Don't try to make me feel better

Today I was talking to one of the teachers at Binford about my upcoming surgery. I told her that I was pretty nervous - especially after my thrilling visit to the hospital yesterday. In an attempt to reassure me, she told me that her cat (yep, you read that right) had the same surgery because it had thyroid problems.

Okay, now that I know a cat survived the surgery, I feel completely confident in my own surgeon's skills. HA!

Anyway, after explaining that her cat had thyroid surgery, this sweet and well-meaning teacher told me that her cat went on to live two more years! When I told her that I hoped to live more than two more years, she realized she hadn't made me feel better. In an attempt to correct her error, she said, "Well, those are cat years though."

Are cat years the same as dog years?
Let's do the math.
14 years?
I hope I survive longer than that!
(hee hee)

NOTE: For those of you who are concerned that I really plan to die shortly after surgery, relax. I am trying to deal with my fears by masking my true feelings with sarcasm and bad jokes. I just think it's a funny way to reassure someone as they prepare for surgery.


Matt said...


I am contacting you because I am working with the authors of a book about blogs, and I'd like to request permission to use the photograph you have posted in this book. Please contact me at, and I'd be happy to give you more information about the project. Please paste a link to your blog in the subject field. Your assistance is greatly appreciated.

