A front door.
Just a way to get inside our house.
But anyone who knows me well knows how much I love houses with unique, ornate, or especially beautiful front doors.
After living in the same house with the same plain green front door for almost 12 years, it is so incredibly exciting for me to have a new home with a gorgeous front door. I have to admit it's one of my favorite things about our new house. That and the full grown trees that turned a heavenly shade of gold this fall - making our backyard glow with color.
And to top it all off, my sister, April, created a lovely fall wreath for me to hang on the door. I absolutely love pulling into the driveway and looking at my beautiful front door decorations. I can hardly wait until December 1 - the day I have set to allow myself to change the wreath to the holiday one made for us by Mike's mom. (Stay tuned for pictures - it's a beauty.)
How fun to decorate the entrance to our home with lovely wreaths created by our extremely talented family members.
You are right... gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous! I love it. The door has always been an eye catcher. I love the transome window over the top. The brick colors make it all POP. April did a great job on the wreath too. I have ALWAYS been a big fan of wreaths on front doors... they make all of the difference in the world. Love it!
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