The Sticky Truth

In November of 2005, Sammy had a cage put in her mouth. One of the rules was "no gum or chewy candy". Believe it or not, she was valiant at following this rule. It wasn't always easy for her, but she learned to like other types of treats and only ate something sticky once...on accident, of course!

But today, Sammy had her cage removed.
And now she can chew gum!

The orthodontist removed the metal appliance, but he saved it in a little blue envelope. After six months, if Sammy has managed to keep her tongue from pushing her teeth out of position again, she will remain "cage-free". The orthodontist has warned her that if her tongue causes her teeth to spread apart again, he will need to replace the cage so that her tongue can be retrained to stay in her mouth.

So for the next six months Sammy will be chewing a lot of bubble gum...and brushing her teeth very well.