Well, during a recent trip to visit April and Pete, we decided that it would be "oh so much fun" to get some Shrinky Dink plastic and share this long-lost but fortunately not forgotten tradition with Jon and Sammy.
We must have spent a couple hours designing, sketching, coloring and cutting our pictures out. And then came the fun part. Watching them shrink in the oven.

Unfortunately, as they began to shrink, they started to curl up onto themselves. When we removed them from the oven, they cooled so quickly that we were unable to flatten them (the way the directions had suggested) so we ended up with mutilated, distorted, and destroyed pieces of plastic.
Not so much fun as it turns out.
The kids were pretty disappointed, but not as much as the adults.
After all, we actually remembered making Shrinky Dinks as kids. It had always been so much fun! None of us remembered our pieces being ruined in the oven. What was the problem?
The comment was made that Shrinky Dinks stink.
Pete said, "Yeah, they're stinky dinks!"
But seriously, what is the secret to Shrinky Dinks?
Does anyone know?
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