
Every year, since the kids were born, I have made Halloween costumes for them. I admit that when they were younger, I had a lot more say in what they dressed up as. I loved having a boy and a girl because I could do so many cute matching costumes. Over the years I have made a lot of costumes! This year the kids each chose the patterns for their costumes. From there, I had "creative control".

I made Jonathan a jester's costume. He had wanted to do this for a couple of years and we could never find a good pattern that didn't just make him look like a clown. While I was sewing his costume, Jonathan came up with the idea to change the design of the hat. The one in the picture is what he came up with - nothing like the original pattern, but MUCH cuter!

Sammy, on the other hand, wanted to be a cowgirl. She already had an adorable red cowgirl hat, so I selected material to match her hat. Her costume was difficult to put together (I had to rip out a lot of seams and start over twice) but it turned out adorable!

I have always told the kids that when they get into middle school, they will not be going trick-or-treating anymore. It feels too much like begging for candy (which it is, really) and they eventually outgrow the "cuteness" that lets them get away with it anyway. So this year was Jonathan's last year trick-or-treating and Sammy's will be next year. (Not to worry, they got plenty of candy for their efforts!)

That does not in any way mean that I will no longer be sewing costumes for the kids! We have already talked about plans for next year - a Halloween costume party at our house perhaps?


Mad Queen said...

Leave a comment... of COURSE I will leave a comment... darling! I love that you showed all of the past halloween outfits... and it was fun to see how many I have been there with you for. Love it, love it. I love the kids' costumes this year... was that painful to not have them match? Very darling. Sammy's was to die for. You need to send me a picture so I can see her standing up for the full effect. Love it!

Anonymous said...

.......Okay, seriously, we need to stop the cuteness! This is just TO MUCH! Look how big Jon is getting!!! He's still got a sweet 'baby' face though. :-) I love that kid! And Sammie's outfit is WAY cute! haha How ADORABLE!!!!!! WAY to much cuteness at one time!!!! :-)
Love you guys!
-april :-)